
Command Line SFTP with SCP

If you’re making a batch file that requires you to upload some files over SFTP/SCP then you’ll need to use an external program such as WinSCP that has command line access to upload the files. Unfortunately you cannot use the native FTP client in Windows. First create a config file with your server settings and […]

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Installing Pure-FTPd on Ubuntu 9.04 Server

Although I no longer install FTP servers on any of my Linux servers, as I favour the user of SFTP, I wanted to update my instructions for the newest version of Ubuntu Server. I’m sure these instructions are very similar for most distributions, but I thought I’d specifically target Ubuntu 9.04 Server since that is what […]

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Installing Pure-FTPd on Ubuntu 8.04 Server

Until recently my choice for an FTP server had always been ProFTPd, however I found its difficulty to install made it a constant chore every time I had to set up a server.  So I sought out an alternative that was quick and easy to install yet did not sacrifice functionality or security.  The answer […]

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