I feel extremely old typing this, but my blog is officially 20 years old (the domain itself came two years later). It all started off when I was wrapping up a college project and found myself running into a problem I had encountered and solved before but had already forgotten the solution. I ended up finding it one someone’s blog, which lead to me creating my own so I could document these solutions both for my future self as well as for other developers. Mind you, this was long before StackOverflow was a thing and most answers were found burried in Forum posts back then.
As time went on my focus began to shift. I started to pick up more and more freelance work and FettesPS became the face of my business, it grew into a web design and web development company and at one point in time I hosted a great many websites. But as time went on my duties (and pay) at my full time job grew and I had less time to dedicate to my own business. On top of that I found there was a big shift from people wanting their own “dot com” address and website to just throwing it up on Facebook or SqaureSpace. So as time went on the web hosting side of things began to wind down and the site returned to it’s roots as just a development blog.
Over the years it has served me well. Some highlights include being featured on Hack a Day, building prototypes for Tony Hawk and Tom Green and some other really big clients I will not mention here. But what keeps me going is all the comments from people thanking me for their help, I especially appreciate it when it’s on a post that is 10-15 years old. So if you find a solution on my blog, please make sure to let me know! Thanks for everyone who’s visited over the years!

A seasoned Senior Solutions Architect with 20 years of experience in technology design and implementation. Renowned for innovative solutions and strategic insights, he excels in driving complex projects to success. Outside work, he is a passionate fisherman and fish keeper, specializing in planted tanks.