I can be a bit anal when it comes to keeping my Sitecore logs clean, but at the end of the day it makes debugging problems that much more easier. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen myself or someone else spend hours fixing an error that ended up being a red herring, […]
Category: Sitecore
Sitecore is a powerful CMS and at times it can be overwhelming in terms of how many options it presents us with. I recently covered the topic of Copy vs Duplicate, which is a more commonly asked question as they both reside in the right click menu, but there is another option hiding under the […]
Occasionally I am asked by co-workers or clients “What’s the difference between Duplicate and Copy?” And I’ll admit, the first time I was asked I did not know. I had been using copy quite frequently but never noticed the duplicate option. It turns out it’s not a redundant option but something that can be rather […]