Truly, our responsibility to spread the Gospel of the Gnu is weighty. Cleave to what is good. Remember the words the prophet Stallman brought down from the Mount MIT, graved in Lisp on tablets of crystalline lambda calculus. Only this true: Emacs is pure. All else is false. Do not be misled by false gods […]
Month: January 2010
Those of you who rely heavily on the run dialog may have noticed it is no longer in the Windows 7 start menu by default. If, like myself, you’re accustomed to using the Win+R hotkey then this isn’t much of an inconvenience. However if you’d like to add it back to the start menu this […]
After upgrading the hard drive on my desktop Linux box I decided that I would install the newest version of Linux Mint on it. Although I love Ubuntu I find Mint to be quite refreshing and less time consuming to get all set up, as a result my 3 most used linux boxes are now […]