As I mentioned in another post, my fiance and I have been subscribed to Hello Fresh for well over a year now and have been loving it. However we’ve noticed that some of the recipes are getting repetative and we thought maybe it was time to try a competitor. So last week I signed us up for our first box of food and I went with the low carb option as we are hoping to shed a few pounds before our wedding.
Yesterday was supposed to be our first scheduled delivery. I recieved a notification the day before that it would be coming and would be here before 8pm. I was working from home so I was home all day. Usually with Hello Fresh the box of food is dropped off between 12 and 1pm, so when there was nothing from Good Food by 6pm I started to get nervous. By 8pm I was starving and had no food to cook (as we had skipped Hello Fresh this week) so I ended up driving myself to Wendy’s.
Eventually 8pm came and there was no sign of the food. I waited until 9pm before I phoned. The phone call that ensued was one of the more bizzare phone calls of my life. The girl on the phone seemed like she was very surprised or was trying to cover something. In any case she was very little help and could do nothing more than confirm that I had not recieved my food and that I should have, so she gave me a 20% credit and said they would try again tomorrow. I should also mention they gave me 20% off the $5 I paid for the box as it was a promo box, so that was a meaningless gesture.
In any case I am disappointed. Hello Fresh has never missed a delivery or been noticably late. Their support has been fantastic any time I’ve called (such as when I forgot to skip a meal on a week that we were away — my fault not theirs). You’re not off to a good start Good Food!
Update: My box did arrive the next day. While I was home all day I did not hear a doorbell so they just seemed drop it on my step. The box was pretty roughed up, and the ice packs inside were completely thawed. The food still felt cold but everything looked like it had sat out. Even the green onions were a wet pile of mush.
But in any case, let’s see how the first meal turned out:
A little dinged up but oh well I love the little plastic containers A bit too juicy for me so I didn’t use it You know it’s good when you clear the plate
At the end of the day the food is delicious but not nearly as fresh as I’d like. And the day late delivery was something we’ve never experienced with Hello Fresh.
In any case, I’ll give them another week or two before I decide if I’m switching back to Hello Fresh or not.
Update #2: Just thought I’d mention that we gave Good Food two more shots as they kept offering free boxes of food to make up for their past issues. Each time the box arrived at least one day late, and the final box was two days late and we had to throw everything out as it had spoiled. After that we canceled our account for good, we will not be trying them again. I would not personally recommend Good Food based on our experience.

A seasoned Senior Solutions Architect with 20 years of experience in technology design and implementation. Renowned for innovative solutions and strategic insights, he excels in driving complex projects to success. Outside work, he is a passionate fisherman and fish keeper, specializing in planted tanks.