Somehow I managed to use up all of my authorizations for iTunes, and I couldn’t authorize my main PC to transfer my iTunes purchases after reinstalling Windows 7. Since one of the authorizations would have been from my previous OS install I had no way to deauthorize it directly through iTunes. It turns out, when you find yourself in this situation, that the only option is to deauthorize all 5 computers and then manually reauthorize them the next time you need to use them. Why do we even bother authorizing in the first place?
- Launch iTunes
- On the left menu go to iTunes Store
- Click Sign In on the top right and enter your account information
- Again, click the Account button (your e-mail address appears as the button), re-enter your password
- Click View Account
- Click Deauthorize All
Now you can reauthorize your account and finally get around to transferring those purchases or downloading some podcats on your iPhone.

A seasoned Senior Solutions Architect with 20 years of experience in technology design and implementation. Renowned for innovative solutions and strategic insights, he excels in driving complex projects to success. Outside work, he is a passionate fisherman and fish keeper, specializing in planted tanks.
You can only deauthorize all once a year!
@Toph – Thanks, I wasn’t aware of that. However that’s the first time I’ve needed to do so in the 2+ years I’ve owned my iPhone.
What I can’t understand is why you submit to the tyranny of iTunes at all. I have all the music I wasnt and can get anything I want without going through the iTunes debacle. I own then, can convert, delete, copy or transfer them any time and any way I choose. I have everything organized in the way I prefer and none of it can be deleted or made otherwise unavailable to me by anyone.
I’ve been an Apple and Mac user since 1986 but they are now to authoritarian for me. I own my system and everything that appears on it. No one, not Apple, not icrosoft, no one can tell me what to do with it.