
How to Use Pandora in Canada

Many Canadians are probably familiar with Pandora from it’s early days where there were no restrictions on who could listen to it. Then, many years back, they suddenly cut off access to all non Americans. This was devastating for me as it wasn’t so much a free radio station but rather a powerful tool for […]

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New Raspberry Pi Case

I know, I know, not the most exciting news in the world… But I just got my laser cut acrylic RasPi case in the mail today. After attempting to build my own case from the box it came in (and failing) I caved and ordered this one from tbo.apple on eBay for a total of […]

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MailTo Syntax

This is one I don’t use very often so I always forget the syntax. I can remember the basics, adding a mailto: prefix to the link, but beyond that I can never remember the fancier tricks like prefilling in the title, message body and even additional fields like CC. So first off, here’s an example […]

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