A handy cheat sheet of all the Windows 7 keyboard combinations:
Windows Key + Tab = Aero Switch (keep holding Windows key and press Tab to cycle)
Windows Key + E = Windows Explorer
Windows Key + R = Run Command
Windows Key + F = Search
Windows Key + X = Mobility Center
Windows Key + L = Lock Computer
Windows Key + U = Ease of Access
Windows Key + P = Projector
Windows Key + T = Cycle Superbar Items
Windows Key + S = OneNote Screen Clipping Tool (requires OneNote)
Windows Key + M = Minimize All Windows
Windows Key + D = Show/Hide Desktop
Windows Key + Up = Maximize Current Window
Windows Key + Down = Restore Down / Minimize Current Windows
Windows Key + Left = Dock Current Window to the Left
Windows Key + Right = Dock Current Windows to the Right
Windows Key + = Magnifier
Windows Key + Shift + Right = Moves Current Window to the Monitor on the Right
Windows Key + Shift + Left = Moves Current Window to the Monitor on the Left
Windows Key + [1-9] = Launches the corresponding program in the superbar (going left to right)
Windows Key + Pause = Open System Info

A seasoned Senior Solutions Architect with 20 years of experience in technology design and implementation. Renowned for innovative solutions and strategic insights, he excels in driving complex projects to success. Outside work, he is a passionate fisherman and fish keeper, specializing in planted tanks.
I recently installed Windows 7 on one of the spare system I had and trying to learn , Though there is not
much to learn but again I want to get familiar with every thing before I will start using it and these
Short cuts will be very useful for me.
Though lots of them :”(
A couple of other very handy ones I use…
Windows Key + Shift + Right = Moves current window to monitor on the right.
Windows Key + Shift + Left = Moves current window to monitor on the left.
Windows Key + [1-9] = Launches the program in the superbar (going left to right). I’ve used the top row of numbers, not 100% sure if this works with the number bad.
Thanks, I was aware of the Win+[1-9] but forgot to add that one. Was not aware of the multiple monitor one but had been wishing such a feature existed (as I’m used to using UltraMon for such features). I will add these to the list!
Windows Key + Pause/Break = Open Control Panel->System
@kjetil – You’re right, I over looked that one too. Which is funny because the one I use the most. Added it to the list.
Thanks a lot for your valuable publish. I have been investigating for this for ages in many websites. Windows 7 is a prodigious software ever. I suggest Win7Zilla to tweak Windows 7 efficiently